Eureka Park Entry Criteria

Your Eureka Park application and website will be reviewed by a team to determine whether you qualify for Eureka Park. Your application may also be reviewed by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)® Market Research team, which can sometimes delay the response time for your qualification status.

CTA defines a startup as a company in its early stages of operations, less than five years old, or launching its first product. CTA will consider the following factors when reviewing applications: 

Eureka Park Entry Criteria

  1. The technology displayed must be applicable to the consumer technology space.   

  2. The company’s product and/or service must not have shipped or been on the market prior to January 1, 2024.  

  3. Technology displayed must be a prototype, product or service under own brand name(s). No OEM/ODM, supplier, or component products. Crowdfunding campaigns, pre-orders and beta stage are allowed.   

  4. Alumni companies may be eligible for a second year in Eureka Park if the product has not launched and all other entry requirements are met.  

  5. Company has no known intellectual property conflicts.  

  6. Product or service must be innovative with the potential to make a profound impact on the market. CTA reserves the right to approve or disapprove entries.

CTA reserves the right to cancel exhibitors who do not adhere to these entry criteria and/or the terms and conditions on the space contract.

Apply to Exhibit at Eureka Park 

Please fill out the form below to apply for an opportunity to exhibit at Eureka Park.