Mark Wagman
Partner, UTA and Managing Director, MediaLink MediaLink
As a leader of MediaLink’s Media & Technology Strategy Consulting core advisory area, a member of the firm’s Executive Team and a partner at UTA, Managing Director Mark Wagman brings 18+ years of experience in data, analytics and management consulting. In his role leading the Data & Technology Solutions specialty, he works to enable data-driven solutions that solve real world business problems.
11:00 AM-11:40 AM
ARIA, Level 2, Mariposa 5
Personalizing Advertising: Leveraging Data and Analytics
Learn how advertisers can harness data and analytics to create personalized campaigns. Discover strategies to tailor messages and improve customer engagement effectively.
Conference Track
CMO Insights -
4:00 PM-4:30 PM
ARIA, Level 1, Joshua 9
Beyond AI’s Marketing Hype Cycle
AI has the potential to improve many aspects of marketing. But how can marketers turn it into action? A discussion on looking beyond the hype and creating use cases today.
Conference Track
MediaLink: Marketing Reinvented