Brian Comiskey
Futurist Consumer Technology Association
Brian Comiskey is the Senior Director of Innovation and Trends, and Futurist at the Consumer Technology Association (CTA).
He oversees the thematic index partnership between CTA and Nasdaq, which has about $14B in AUM tracking these indexes.
Brian has also consulted on media strategy for the energy, healthcare, and tech industries, and consulted on cybersecurity policy for the U.S. Coast Guard.
10:00 AM-10:40 AM
LVCC, West Level 2, W232
CES 2025 Trends to Watch, presented by CTA
Right before CES opens its doors, preview the next big things and disruptive innovations that will redefine our industry in 2025.
Conference Track
Research Summit -
2:00 PM-2:40 PM
LVCC, North Level 2, N257
The Green Dream: How Sustainable VC went from Ethos to Opportunity
Top investors share how sustainable investments have created a green future - anchored in growth, returns and a brighter future.
Conference Track