Joanna Popper
Advisor Laurel Beach, previous CAA, HP, NBCUniversal
Joanna Popper is a Media & Tech Executive, Executive Producer & Board Director. She held executive roles at CAA, HP, NBC Universal & Singularity University incl most recently CAA's Chief Metaverse Officer. She advises media & tech co's on innovation in AI, gaming, web3 & spatial. She is on the Board of the Producers Guild, Filmgate Interactive & TV Academy Emerging Media Exec Committee.
11:00 AM-11:40 AM
LVCC, West Level 2, W218
Spatial Computing – A State of the Union
Spatial Computing is a revolution blending computing with the real world. Key players share technical insights, use case learnings, the influence of AI, and discuss what’s next.
Conference Track
XR and Spatial Computing