Discover the tools and technologies lowering costs, improving health equity and saving lives as patients seek ways to empower themselves and take control of their care and wellbeing. 


Elevance Health Keynote

Elevance Health president and CEO Gail Boudreaux sits down for a keynote conversation discussing the company’s use of technology to make healthcare more proactive, predictive and personalized.


Exhibitor Success Stories


CES Success Story


Since 2011, Withings has exhibited at CES to tell the world its story as an award-winning overachiever in digital health devices. Its industry-first products are preferred by top providers for reliable wellness outcomes.

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CES Success Story


Digital health pioneer MedWand came to CES to demonstrate its solution to the missing link in telehealth: The remote physical exam. With MedWand, consumers can perform key health diagnostics themselves any time, anywhere.

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CES Success Story


Startup Stel Life found new audiences at CES. The company gained direct access to digital health trailblazers, allowing it to show the full range of its wireless system that allows care teams to remotely monitor patients.

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CES Success Story


Health care leader Omron Healthcare, Inc., aims to create healthier ways of living and empower consumers in personal health. At CES, Omron earned media coverage and established essential partnerships.

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industry attendees
listed digital health
as an interest

66 %

of interested attendees
are senior-level

65 %

of attendees are
the final decision maker
in buying decisions


attendees from venture
capitalists, private equity
or investing companies

74 %

of attendees
have a B2B customer


media attendees
listed digital health
as interest topic




A hub for health companies showcasing the latest trends from virtual patient care to bioprinting to gamification of health. A networking destination for meaningful conversations on the personalization and accessibility of health tech. Don't miss out making the Digital Health Summit part of your CES 2025 experience.

Opportunities at CES 2025


Position your company at the forefront of the digital health revolution.

Exhibit and meeting space at the Venetian: Presence on the show floor presents an ideal platform to launch a product, have meaningful conversations, secure media coverage, connect with innovators and investors.

Digital Health Lounge Sponsorship: The ideal setting to engage with senior decision makers, build brand awareness, and benefit from exhibiting with turnkey workstations.

Digital Health Mixer Sponsorship: A networking reception will be provided at the end of the Digital Health Summit conference for all registered conference attendees. Take advantage of the opportunity to showcase your company's leadership and support for the digital health community.

Health Technology Tours: Make the most of every moment through curated tours that offer an educational and interactive experience.

Contact us today to discuss your exhibit and sponsorship needs.

The main reason that we are here at CES and belong to CTA is there are lots more companies like ours in the healthcare space who may never have a booth on the show floor but are here at the meetings with members of the FDA, business leaders, insurance companies, payers, health systems …because CTA and CES is the most important place for digital health to happen.

Carlos Nunez
Chief Medical Officer, ResMed


Key Exhibiting Companies


Hundreds of companies will be displaying their latest health tech; here are just a few to add to your list:


For the full list of CES 2024 Digital Health exhibitors—including startups in Eureka Park—visit the Exhibitor Directory.


Want to Exhibit at CES 2025?

Showcase your brand, launch your latest products and win business at the ultimate platform for innovation.

Past Attendees Include



The latest on Digital Health

The Forces Reshaping Health, presented by Deloitte

In the future of health, empowered consumers demand insights, convenience, access, and personalized experiences.

Interested in Attending CES 2025?

Sign up to be notified when registration opens this fall.