Digital Health

AI Means Good Medicine for Moderna

CES Tech Talk podcast, now in season 7, features interviews with experts bringing you an insider’s look at what’s new and trending in consumer technology, and at CES. Subscribe to get the latest episodes.
When Moderna is developing medicines for diseases like COVID-19 and cancer, the behind-the-scenes work is exhaustive, and exhausting. Tools that speed the research, testing, compliance and other processes can save lives by getting therapies to market more quickly. That’s why Moderna is embracing AI. In season 7, episode 12, Moderna Harnesses AI to Transform Medicine, of the CES Tech Talk podcast series, CIO Brad Miller details how AI is changing the health landscape.    

Top Four Takeaways

  • Moderna has a track record using artificial intelligence for its operations, and leveraged the technology for its COVID-19 vaccine. AI was invaluable to the critical work that produced Moderna’s highly effective mRNA vaccine.
  • Moderna’s AI toolkit includes generative AI and extensive machine learning. This saves company scientists and engineers from unnecessarily time-consuming tasks involved with handling mountains of data, and analyzing copious amounts of literature and research.    
  • Unlike some businesses in its sector, Moderna ran toward, not away from, generative AI when it became more available. Today, more than 60% of Moderna employees use gen AI on the job.  
  • AI momentum is building at Moderna. To help employees across a range of functions better understand the technology, Moderna implemented its AI academy. The company has also launched its own internal version of ChatGPT called Moderna chat, or mChat.   

They Said It

“[W]e use AI pervasively across the company…It's been foundational to identifying the right sequence to any issue that we're trying to solve…it's really figuring out that right sequencing and then testing it and then iterating on it and using that data feedback loop back into the algorithm…[for] the right answer. Which is why a great example of that is with COVID-19. [O]nce the Chinese government published the sequencing for COVID-19, within two hours, with the use of AI, we had the answer…to help save lives.
Brad Miller (06:48)
“[O]ur president, Stephen Hoge, will be [at CES 2024] speaking on the morning of January 11 as part of the digital health track. And he'll be discussing AI and its impact on our pipeline. We're also going to be sponsoring a lounge within the digital health track. So I encourage everyone to come check it out, come talk with us. I'll be there as well. Be great to see everybody. And I'd like to learn what everybody else is doing, too, so that I can accelerate our use of AI at Moderna…”
Brad Miller (20:17)

Brad Miller, CIO, Moderna

Brad Miller joined Moderna from Capital One where he served as executive vice president and CIO of enterprise products and platforms. In this role, he was responsible for building and operating critical enterprise services and digital experiences across all lines of business. In addition to Capital One, Miller also held technology leadership positions at Mastercard where he was executive vice president, operations and technology. He also was head of global digital and cloud technology with Citibank. Prior to his posts in the financial services industry, Miller spent more than 17 years in engineering roles with Amazon and Microsoft. He holds a BS degree from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, and an MS degree from the University of Nottingham.

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