Sports Tech

Monday, January 8

2:00 – 2:40 PM

Conference Session Live Stream

The Future of Team Leadership

LOCATION ARIA Level 2 Mariposa 4

Team owners, presidents and leaders will share how they are managing and breaking barriers in this new era.

Tuesday, January 9

9:00 – 9:40 AM

Conference Session

The Transformation of Motorsports: How Digitization is Driving Sustainability

LOCATION ARIA Level 1 Joshua 8

Visionary leaders in motorsports explore how a focus on sustainability is transforming the driver and fan experience.

10:00 – 10:40 AM

Conference Session

How Data is Unlocking the Fluid Fan

LOCATION ARIA Level 1 Joshua 8

Gen Alpha. Values-Driven. Streamers. Festivalists. These are words that describe the Fluid Fan. Learn how brands and properties are using new sources of fan data to find and acquire this coveted audience.

11:00 – 11:40 AM

Conference Session

From Buzz to Business: The ROI of Women's Sports

LOCATION ARIA Level 1 Joshua 8

Women's sports has taken center stage as investment and deals soar. Sports Innovation Lab shares the data and case studies behind the brands raking it in with their women's sports media and sponsorships.

1:00 – 1:40 PM

Conference Session

2034: A Sports Odyssey - Imagining the Stadium of the Future

LOCATION ARIA Level 1 Joshua 8

Leaders from the sports and entertainment venue ecosystem discuss three themes that will drastically change the live sports experience in the next ten years: AI, Mixed-Reality, and Cybersecurity.

2:00 – 2:40 PM

Conference Session

Brand Partnerships in the Sports World Innovated by Tech

LOCATION ARIA Level 1 Joshua 8

How brands and legacy sports organizations have embraced brand partners communicating to their target audience, and telling their story through sports marketing.

3:00 – 3:40 PM

Conference Session

The Future of Sports Betting

LOCATION ARIA Level 1 Joshua 8

Hear from industry leaders on how sports betting has evolved from outside the venue to in-venue, and how the technology has impacted the future of viewership and fan in-stadium experience within the context of Sports and Culture.

All CES conference sessions are seated on a first-come, first-served basis.