Fintech and Blockchain

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Inflation, regulatory issues, and economic uncertainty made 2023 a tough year for the financial industry, but crisis breeds innovation. Join us for a look at the fintech opportunities for 2024.

Thursday, January 11

10:00 – 10:40 AM

Conference Session

Blockchain Goes Mainstream

LOCATION LVCC West Level 2 W219

Find out how brands are using blockchain and NFTs to strengthen their customer relationships and enhance consumer loyalty.

11:00 – 11:40 AM

Conference Session

Blockchain's Impact on Consumer Technology

LOCATION LVCC West Level 2 W219

The media has covered crypto as an investment tactic. But how is blockchain tech being used besides crypto? This panel explores how blockchain will impact consumer tech applications, from self-driving car IDs to home security and more.

1:00 – 1:40 PM

Conference Session

AI-Powered Fintech – Everyone Wins!

LOCATION LVCC West Level 2 W219

Find out how AI is being used for everything from consumer-facing transactions to lending, wealth management and the trading floor.

2:00 – 2:40 PM

Conference Session

Wearable Wealth – Visualize the Opportunity

LOCATION LVCC West Level 2 W219

You can measure and visualize your health; why can’t you do the same with your wealth? Spoiler alert: You can and you will.

3:00 – 3:40 PM

Conference Session

From Crisis to Opportunity – Pivot and Innovate

LOCATION LVCC West Level 2 W219

2023 was the annus horribilis for midsize banks. It hurt innovators and startups too. How do we take a crisis and turn it into an opportunity for innovation? We’ve got answers for you.

All CES conference sessions are seated on a first-come, first-served basis.