Family & Lifestyle

CES 2024 Day 3: What's Hot and Cool at the Show

Overview Judging from the crowds and atmosphere in Las Vegas this week, almost everything at CES 2024 is both hot, and cool. Exhibitors and products that drew a lot of press, as well as crowds, are too numerous to highlight here as the show progresses. Instead, take a look at some of the surprising or otherwise attention-getting products that may inspire closer inspection, and a longer stay where they're exhibited.

The following solutions are the brain children of brands that may not yet be household names. That may change in the not too distant future. We’ll be watching.

Smart Personal Safety

With so many options available for safeguarding your home and person in this age of tech abundance, consider two new products that need little explanation relative to their utility and practicality.  

Visage Smart Door Lock from Lockly
Using your face to open smart devices isn’t new, but this solution from Lockly is. Now your face can replace your old-school door key. With Visage by Lockly, a quick scan of your face within 2.6 feet of the device is all that’s needed to unlock your door. Visage works on Wi-Fi and supports the Matter standard.
Smart Pepper Spray from Sabre
The Bluetooth-connected and geo-tracking Smart Pepper Spray has your back. When it’s used, not only will the device disable your accoster, it’ll text the contacts you designate. There’s even a panic button that also alerts your contacts and provides tracking so that you can be found.

Tech for Pets

Media, attendees and CES insiders who are also pet owners were on the look-out for solutions that make for smoother cohabiting with canine and kitty pals. These are two that attracted attention.
Flappie AI For Your Cat
Tired of seeing, chasing and cleaning up what the cat’s dragged in? Swiss start-up Flappie AI has a solution. The company’s AI-powered cat door automatically locks if Mittens or Professor Butterscotch tries to bring in a special snack. The door quickly unlocks when nothing but your cat is on the other side.
Oro For Your Dog
Your dog is sad when you’re away. Now, you can connect with your best friend whenever you’re gone through the Oro Dog Companion Robot. The AI-powered robot, described in a CNET report as a smart-bot pet nanny, is equipped with something like Facetime via a tablet-sized screen that lets you and your dog interact. The robot can even dispense treats.

And So Much More…

Take a mini tour and see the action at CES 2024 with hosts Brian Tong (@briantong) and iJustine(@iJustine).They explore some of the cool gadgets and gear representing digital health, robotics, wearables, even autonomous farm equipment.

Don’t miss Brian’s poolside mermaid connection – yes, there’s a mermaid and a pool - at the Aiper booth. Their moment begins at about 11:02.