Sanjive Agarwala
CEO EuQlid Inc.
Sanjive Agarwala is CEO of EuQlid, a Quantum sensing and imaging company. He is an experienced leader with 30 years of professional experience in the semiconductor industry. Prior to EuQlid, Agarwala worked at Cadence Design Systems as CVP/GM of the IP Group. Prior to Cadence, he was at Texas Instruments responsible for SoCs targeting automotive, industrial, and wireless applications.
11:00 AM-11:40 AM
LVCC, West Level 2, W218
Quantum is Now: Unprecedented Improvement in Precision and Sensitivity
Learn about real devices that far surpass classical sensors, opening new frontiers in medical imaging and diagnostics, environmental monitoring, manufacturing, and GPS.
Conference Track
Quantum Means Business: A Quantum World Congress Program