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Why Human Security is Good Business

December 15, 2022

Find out how business interests of profitability, market share, recruitment, retention and more align with Human Security for All (HS4A), a global campaign of the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security and the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS). CTA is an official campaign partner, and HS4A is the central theme of CES 2023. Human Security represents a new paradigm in strategic corporate thinking. It’s one that recognizes the role that innovation can play in addressing humanity’s most pressing problems and opportunities to align key aspects of human well-being with businesses’ ability to prosper. In the tech industry, companies that embrace and demonstrate a commitment to sustainability, food security, healthcare and other basic human needs will be the ones that prevail, competitively and financially. Human Security for All is explained by Walt Stinson, Consumer Technology Hall of Fame Class of 2009, who is a leader of this global campaign and a Fellow of WAAS. He also shares how attendees will see and experience HS4A at CES 2023, specifically at the Great Minds sessions and at the Innovations Awards Showcase.



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